We came across this image of Benjamin Work next to one of his latest pieces of Art located in Auckland City. If you are unfamiliar with Benjamin Work - have a peep of the video below. Definitely one to watch out for in the New Zealand Art Scene.
'Benjamin Work is a South Auckland - based visual artist of Tongan heritage. With a strong foundation in aerosol painting and graffiti, Work is a core member of the Auckland art collective, TMD. He has worked on diverse projects including large scale public mural commissions, limited edition wine boxes and postage stamps, and recently, his practice has also expanded to photography and performance. Work travels to Tonga frequently and is an active member of the Auckland-based Tongan art collective, No’o Fakataha. He maintains a strong interest in ngatu (Tongan bark cloth) making, design and motifs.'
All Images Shot by Brendan Kitto / Route 52